1a 185-191 Bains Rd Morphett Vale SA 5162
Phone Number: (08) 7260 3069
Fax: (08) 8432 2466
HealthLink: AdelHubs
Doctors and other Health Care Professionals
Want an in-house training?
All our patients require a referral. We accept all referrals relevant to our specialists. Please send referrals to:
e-mail: admin@adelaidespecialisthubs.com.au
Healthlink: adelhubs
Fax: (08)7432 2466
Referrals will be triaged prior to patient booking.
In-house training
Our specialists offer in-house or location based training on their relevant specialties. If you are looking for a lunch time or A/H education event, please email: director@adelaidespecialisthubs.com.au
or call out clinic on (08) 7260 3069.
Training events are catered by Adelaide Specialist Hubs
Looking to join?
We have rooms available for Specialist doctors looking to start their professional career or boost their current career to the next level.
We offer beautiful consulting rooms and lower than market average costs. We have a different philosophy than other specialist centers so give us a call on (08) 7260 3069